Body Sushi

Body Sushi (Randomer & VTSS)

Anode stage

Sunday 08 August
22:30 — 00:00


Initially emerging as a key figure in the radical underground Polish club scene, the past few years have seen VTSS easily establish herself as one of the most vital, uncompromising and visible new talents in techno.

VTSS’ commitment to full immersion in the rave culture has quickly qualified her to an intriguing double life, one spread between the dankest of basements and the largest festival stages, occupying a challenging, even provocative space between the ‘underground’ and the ability to entice more and more followers, a beacon for the passionate new wave of hedonistic, no-fucks-given techno enthusiasm.


“You need to make it more stupid” is the advice, given by label boss Untold, that set Randomer on his path. You wouldn’t know it from his productions, which foreground his instantly-recognizable sound signature and are built on a foundation of esoteric and surprising techniques.

Over the last ten years, his works have become some of the most indispensable in modern dance music. Tricky earworms and a blighty dancefloor sensibility and are woven through with jarring sound design and an infectious sense of play. As a DJ, these qualities shine through: slick and supple builds give way to monstrous moments, with an unwavering command of the crowd.